Monday, February 25, 2008

A Tribute to the Past and the Future

Most of my friends who know me well know that I can seldom get through a meal without spilling food on my shirt. (That's even when I eat suspended from the ceiling with my food below me.) I am a sort of food magnet. (Hips don't lie!:)) I have been thinking a lot lately about interviewing for jobs as I will be graduating soon and I worry that something like the Tide® ad (see video below) will happen to me.

Of course this also reminded me of my brothers when we were younger. I would be on the phone or trying to watch a tv show and they would just blather out a bunch of nonsense to distract and annoy me. Everytime I see this add I laugh until I cry remembering those moments in the past, and the possible ones in the future.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy February the 15th!

Have a heart!
Next to kissing a sweetheart at midnight on New Year's Eve, there is one holiday that couples love to love. Valentine's day is great! You get/give cheesy teddy bears, chocolates in fluffy boxes, and cards with syrupy sentiments. Children would rank this holiday with (secular) Easter and Halloween except that they have to give as much as they get.

For single people though, one of the best holidays is February the 15th. It's one of the seldom remembered 'after-holiday' holidays. What's so great about the 15th? First of all, you can wake up knowing your bed isn't crowded by yet another useless teddy bear that pipes out a midi version of "I Love You Truely" everytime you accidentally press its arm. (Or was it the leg? No, the chest...dang,there it goes again!) What's great about the 15th is that all the chocolate is on sale and cheap!Forget love, I'd rather fall into chocolate! That's makes every day a day to love...well as long as the candy lasts until the next day-after sale.

43 Things...

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Fun Loving Lifelong Learning Builder